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Help us spread environmental consciousness

We are a non-profit organisation that works to support and provide a platform for artists who want to contribute to a more sustainable future. They have decided to work in something they believe in and to contribute to a better future, even if the revenues aren’t as easy to obtain as in other sectors. We want to help them achieve what they deserve as well as our planet.

Drap-Art stimulates creativity and connects people from different social environments through the many events and activities which are not only offered during the festival months but throughout the year. These activities such as markets, artists working live, workshops and conferences, are either organised solely by Drap-Art, in collaboration with other entities or on request.

We consider creative recycling a tool to support the transformation in art, society and the environment.

We appreciate any kind of collaboration in our events and we welcome anyone eager to volunteer.

Become a member!
We are open to people wanting to make our cause their cause,
so please join us, participate in our activities as an artist, as a vendor, as a thinker, as a professional, as a visitor.
You name it.

Just complete the following form. We will be very pleased to join efforts.
The more we are, the more strength we will have!


Qualsevol contribució ens acosta un pas més a aconseguir els nostres objectius per un món més sostenible i tú també estaràs posant el teu gra de sorra per fer-lo possible! Sigui associant-te, col·laborant, fent un voluntariat, un donatiu o patrocinant….


Forma part de Drap-Art’21 Al Gòtic! Contacta amb nosaltres per descubrir les nostres oportunitats de patrocini i col·laboració, segur que hi ha una que encaixa amb les teves necesitats.



Join the Drap-Art Family!

C O N T A C T   F O R M


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