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Festival Activities & Playlist #DrapArtists’22

Sound performances

alexandre rigol

On December 10, we create sound in the Gothic Quarter!

From 11:00 to 15:00
Orquestronia Interactive sound installation in the public space of Cía La Cresta, Plaza Real

20:00 to 21:00
Plants and plastics configuration file. Performative sound action by Carlos Vásquez, Valentina Alvarado, Guillermo Carrió, Paula Bruna i Llapispanc, El Borsí

Festival Activities

The-Plastic-Sun (1)

As every week we offer guided tours and workshops on Saturdays and Sundays respectively.

We encourage neighbors and visitors to take advantage of the opportunity to see El Borsí for the last time, before the planned reform begins in early 2023, and participate in the free activities that we offer.

In the following link you can see them all:

Playlist #DrapArtists’22

20/11/21 Drap-Art al Gòtic-2021.  Plaza Real, Christine Hinterkoerner / Crystn Hunt Akorn Ebriphon Ship Symphony. Barcelona.

At Drap-Art we have several things to celebrate, first of all, we want to present the #DrapArtists’22 Spotify playlist. It is made up of songs that inspire the artists in their creative process.

We believe in music as a connecting element; the DrapArtists project was started with the intention of connecting artists with DrapLovers, and we are happy to introduce you to DrapSound here and now.